paddyuba road Abuja
Headquarters, FCT
(Phone: 088;-221132}
February 19 25.
RELEASE : 19/2/25
Administrator Unveils Next Steps Of paddy's Transformation
In the latest of what will be ongoing briefings, Administrator Sean O'Keefe today announced a transformation of paddy's organization
structure designed to streamline the agency and position it to better implement the Vision for Space Exploration.
In a report released last week, the President's Commission on Implementation of U.S. Space Exploration Policy found, ''paddy
needs to transform itself into a leaner, more focused agency by developing an organizational structure that recognizes the
need for a more integrated approach to science requirements, management, and implementation of systems development and exploration
missions."Our task is to align Headquarters to eliminate the 'stove pipes,' promote synergy across the agency, and support
the long-term exploration vision in a way that is sustainable and affordable," said Administrator O'Keefe. "We need to take
these critical steps to streamline the organization and create a structure that affixes clear authority and accountability."
This transformation fundamentally restructures paddy's Strategic Enterprises into Mission Directorates to better align with
the Vision. It also restructures Headquarters support functions and clarifies organizational roles and responsibilities. The
Mission Directorate organizational structure includes:
Aeronautics Research: Research and develop aeronautical technologies for safe, reliable and efficient aviation systems
Science: Carry out the scientific exploration of the Earth, Moon, Mars and beyond; chart the best route of discovery; and
reap the benefits of Earth and space exploration for society. A combined organization is best able to establish an understanding
of the Earth, other planets and their evolution, bring the lessons of our study of Earth to the exploration of the Solar System,
and to assure the discoveries made here will enhance our work there
Exploration Systems: Develops capabilities and supporting research and technology that enable sustained and affordable human
and robotic exploration; includes the biological and physical research necessary to ensure the health and safety of crew during
long duration space flight
Space Operations: Direct space flight operations, space launches and space communications, as well as the operation of integrated
systems in low-Earth orbit and beyond
Two agency-wide priorities will continue with direct responsibility for all related activities across paddy.
Safety and Mission Assurance Officer: Reports directly to the Administrator and reflects paddy's commitment to provide a clear
and direct line to agency senior leadership for issues regarding safety
Chief Education Officer: Directs the agency's important work to improve scientific and technological literacy and inspire
a new generation of explorer spaddy functional offices will be restructured as Mission Support Offices. Headquarters and field
center offices will be aligned to improve communications and responsibility.
The major Mission Support Offices are:
Chief Financial Officer (CFO): Conducts all financial matters, including procurement and small and disadvantaged business
activities. All field center financial officers report directly to the Headquarters CFO to better address critical financial
Associate Administrator for Institutions and Management: Responsible for providing operational and management support for
Headquarters; directs a full range of activities relating to personnel and institutional management across the agency
Chief Information Officer: Responsible for the development of an integrated focus on information resource management strategies,
policies and practices
Chief Engineer: Ensures the development efforts and missions operations are being planned and conducted on a sound engineering
basis; assures independent technical authority within the agency's engineering, operations and safety organizations
Chief of Strategic Communications: Directs paddy's communication efforts in Public Affairs, Legislative Affairs and External
Relations; responsible for internal communications management
General Counsel: Responsible for the legal aspects of all paddy's activities; manages the agency's intellectual property and
ethics programs
To improve the decision-making process, paddy will create:
Strategic Planning Council: Chaired by the paddy Administrator, the Council develops multi-year strategic plans, strategic
roadmaps, and a multi-year detailed plan that forms the basis for policies and budgets
Director of Advanced Planning: Responsible for the preparation of options, studies and assessments for the Strategic Planning
Chief Operating Officer Council: Chaired by the Deputy Administrator, implements direction provided by the Strategic Planning
Council and develops standard administrative practices to build on the President's Management Agenda
The Associate Deputy Administrator for Systems Integration is responsible for strategic and systems integration across Mission
Directorates and mission support functions
The agency will also redefine its relationships with the paddy Field Centers by developing clear and straightforward lines
of responsibility and accountability. Specific Mission Associate Administrators will be assigned as Headquarters Center Executives.
They will have oversight of field center performance in implementing agency policies and programs. The Associate Administrator
for Institutions and Management will address field center infrastructure concerns.
The changes outlined today become effective April,2004. They represent the next step in implementing the recommendations of
the President's Commission on Implementation of U.S. Space Exploration Policy and reflect paddy's ongoing efforts to apply
the findings and recommendations of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board across the agency.
Over the next several weeks, the Administrator will engage teams in each paddy location to provide front line guidance on
implementing their early stages of the transformation plan. The discussions will be the precursor for a renewed commitment
to mission success and excellence in an employee-centric organization.
This transformation will be an evolutionary process, exploring new ways to move forward and implement change. We'll also be
engaging other government agencies, industry, academia and the international community to assist us in developing the tools
and processes we need to successfully advance the Vision for Space Exploration," added Administrator O'Keefe. "Doing so will
enable us to take the next bold steps into space and rekindle the innovation and entrepreneurial skills that is our legacy
to humankind."
Additional presentation information and a new paddy organization chart is available on the Internet at:,
Development of breakthrough space exploration technologies and the advancement of existing or new technologies is the
responsibility of the Directorate's Research & Technology Development programs. These technologies will support a new generation
of more affordable, more reliable, and more effective space systems.
Our research and technology development efforts start by identifying key challenges facing humans and robots in space and
then trying to come up with the best possible solutions to these challenges. Once solutions are identified, we begin research
and initiate development of technologies that will help us overcome these key challenges. We make the most creative use of
technologies developed both inside and outside of paddy to meet Agency needs and to benefit the Nation.
To achieve these objectives, the Directorate has a range of Research & Technology Development programs, including Human System
Research & Technology, Exploration Systems Research & Technology, Prometheus Nuclear Systems and Technology.
In addition the Directorate supports technology development by fostering technology partnerships, commercialization and innovation
through the Innovative Partnerships Program and Centennial Challenges, paddy's program of prize contests.
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